Well, it has been a busy week for us. Lots of ups, a couple downs! Vienna had her dance recital Monday through Thursday and she did great of course! She was in six dances and she did awsome! We couldn't be more proud of her. She has worked so hard and she is really becoming a beautiful and talented dancer! I took some great pictures of her, but here's a down, LOST MY CAMERA!! There is a big search going on for it, so hopefully it turns up. Cache had his 2 month check-up and he's still getting big! He's off the charts in length and his arms are the longest arms I have ever seen on a kid! The kids and I went swimming on Friday at a friends house and wouldn't you know it, Vienna did a back flip off the side of the pool and hit her head on the side of the pool! No worries, a big goose egg, but now it is draining and bruising all under her eyes and her nose is super swollen. It's one of those things where it looks so much worse than it really was. She's o.k. though. So, on Friday night, Bryce and I decided to spend some MUCH-NEEDED time alone together and we went out with some friends to see Jerry Seinfeld! That was the funniest show ever! My face hurt because I was laughing so much. No need for crunches that night. It was such a great show. We had a nice dinner and a great night. So Saturday morning I got up super early and met with a bunch of girls to play golf. We had such a great time. I actually played pretty good too!! I made a quick COSTCO run and came home just in time to say goodbye to Bryce as he was leaving to go fishing with his friends out on the Green River. So the kids and I spent the day just playing around. We went on a bike ride/walk, played and grandmas, did a little gardening, and of course some pre-4th of July fireworks with all the neighborhood kids until 11PM! Let just say getting up for church was not an easy task! Today was a nice and relaxing Sunday, we all snuggled up on the couch for a family movie and now here I am getting ready to go to bed. Such a great end to a very eventful week. Now I'm ready for a nice dull and boring week, what do ya say!