Wednesday, August 27, 2008

And They're Off!

Well it was a big week of first days of school. Vie started 2nd grade, Kael started kindergarten, Saxon started pre-school and I am finally starting to gain a little sanity!! Here are a few pics. So far so good. Everyone loves it, especially me!!

Oh, another cute thing. Saxon and I were weeding the garden together today and we had such a great conversation. He said "Mom, I'm gonna use my instincts to pull these weeds cuz I got mad skills! I think I'm an expert!" Ok, just so you know, I don't say the term "mad skills" even though it is quite awsome. I am just bewildered and quite impressed that my four-year-old does! Mad props my man Saxon!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Been a Great Summer!

Brian Regan, funniest comedian!
Happy Birthdy Saxon!!
Little Man is getting so Big!
We had some of Bryce's family over for a BBQ on Alpine Days!

I can't believe school is already starting! Where has the summer gone. I would be lying if I said I am totally sad that the kids are heading off to school, sure I will miss all of the fun stuff we've been doing, but when you have a daughter who lives from one social event to another, school starting is a joyous event! We had a couple of birthdays the last couple of weeks and a lot of fun stuff happening with them! Bryce and Saxon both had birthdays the second week of August. No big parties, just fun family stuff for each of them. It was Alpine Days so we had a lot goin' on. I somehow got put in charge of making a float for the parade and let me tell ya, I am not going to be signing up for that one again anytime soon. Let just say "Otter Pop Disaster!" Never throw out otter pops at a parade, especially partially frozen ones. PLEASE take my advice! Saxon turned 4 and I am hoping some of the "terrible 3" attitude leaves with the number, but so far it has only intensified. You know Saxon, Intense is his middle name. For instance, we were eating dinner and for some reason or another he was sent down to his room. Well the rest of us found it funny that his protests were lasting so long and Saxon didn't think it was so nice to giggle, so from down the stairs we hear a very threatening, "DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE!!" Yes, my child is 4 and no, I don't think I say that very much, but maybe I need to pay more attention to what I do say. Well, he is the entertainer of our little family and I don't know what we would do without him.

To celebrate the last week of summer we packed in a fun-filled week of trips to the Thanksgiving Point Gardens, Wake-Boarding/Tubing, Jungle Jims, Bike rides, and everything else we didn't get around to doing. I think we did alright. Bring on school, I am ready! Oh, Bryce and I celebrated by going out with some friends of ours to see Brian Regan, like the funniest comedian I have ever seen. Check him out on youtube. We don't normally go see comedians in fact him and Seinfeld are the firsts, but what a great evening it is. Seriously, I don't know how someone can get up in front of thousands and make them all laugh unitl they hurt. What a talent! Well, that's all that is going on with us! Happy Back-to-school to you all!